We played a game called Stereotypes, in which you had to draw your own country on a big piece of paper, then pass it around to the other delegations so they could write what they knew and associated with that country. We got some laughs over things that weren't true, like Denmark having mountains and wether croissants really came from Germany or France. But ask our German leader about that, apparently she knows the true story about the originality of the croissant. ;-)
Anyway... The kids had been paired 2 and 2 beforehand of the arrival of the host families and were all looking forward to spending some time out of the camp and with their new friends, as they were going with someone from another delegation.
On a more personal note, I'd like to thank all of you for the positive comments on the forum. However I'm going to have to pass the responsibility for the blog to one of the other staffies, seeing as I have a prior engagement to take care of for the next week. Rest assure that your kids will be taken well care of and hopefully the blog will still be going strong, otherwise the other staffies will have to face my wrath when I get back. ;-)
//Kasper - signing off for now