24. jul. 2010

Second homestay

So it finally became time for all the kids to go to their 2nd homestay, but before we handed them over to the host families, we had an activity in the morning and then packed our bags.
We played a game called Stereotypes, in which you had to draw your own country on a big piece of paper, then pass it around to the other delegations so they could write what they knew and associated with that country. We got some laughs over things that weren't true, like Denmark having mountains and wether croissants really came from Germany or France. But ask our German leader about that, apparently she knows the true story about the originality of the croissant. ;-)
Anyway... The kids had been paired 2 and 2 beforehand of the arrival of the host families and were all looking forward to spending some time out of the camp and with their new friends, as they were going with someone from another delegation.

On a more personal note, I'd like to thank all of you for the positive comments on the forum. However I'm going to have to pass the responsibility for the blog to one of the other staffies, seeing as I have a prior engagement to take care of for the next week. Rest assure that your kids will be taken well care of and hopefully the blog will still be going strong, otherwise the other staffies will have to face my wrath when I get back. ;-)

//Kasper - signing off for now

22. jul. 2010

Today we had enviromental day, we learnt how to avoid waisting water, and how we could recycle at home and here, and how we can use the trash for something cool and usefull
// Rasmus (temporary sitemaster)

2nd excursion

This morning a bus came and picked us up shortly after breakfast, everyone had packed their bags with water bottles and sunscreen.
We started out by going to a small ecological dairy farm and watched the production line, saw some of their new products and got to taste some as well.
Afterwards we headed to an Open Air Museeum where we got to see how houses looked in Denmark 200-300 years ago, how people lived and saw some farm animals as well.
Everyone were a bit tired when we got home, in need of a shower and somewhat hungry. Luckily it was showertime straight away and then dinner was ready afterwards. Had some fun with the Mickey Mouse game afterwards before it was time for flag time, lullabies and then bed.
Was a good day and looking forward to what tomorrow may bring.


21. jul. 2010

US National Night

This day brought us a lot of hugs when we played hug tag, was nice to see all the kids hugging each other and having fun. As nice as it were, it was almost equally fun to see them trying to do a pigs face blindfolded.
After lunch we split into groups of 5-6 kids and had to make a copy of a construction we had created beforehand. However they could only send 3 people to look at the construction and once you had seen the construction you were not allowed to talk nor touch the materials for the copy. Some groups got really close to the original and it was interesting to see them trying to communicate without being able to speak.
After dinner USA had their National Night which brought us a pillow fight, some Texas dancing, a disco and a light version of Texas-hold-em.


20. jul. 2010

Water balloons and treasure hunt

This morning we started with an extended cleaning after the breakfast, seeing as most of the kids rooms looked as though someone had exploded their bags so all the clothes had ended all over the place. It took some time, but now the rooms look inhabitable once again. ;-)
We did some few tag games later on, did a small video greeting to other camps around the world and celebrated the birthday of Kasia from Poland.
After lunch and siesta, we had everyone gather out by the flag poles in their swim suits, where we ran some games involving water balloons. All of us had a blast and didn't feel like stoppping.
In the evening we went on a big treasure hunt, where we split into 2 groups, one with all the girls and one with all the boys. They had their hands tied together and walked around the campsite while trying to gather clues towards where they were going next and pieces for a puzzle.
It seemed as though everyone had a nice day and enjoyed the activities we has planned.


Video greeting:

18. jul. 2010

Weekend update

Sorry for the missing update yesterday, but instead you'll get a double update today with pictures from each day.
Yesterday we had the Danish National Night, where we had a danish "fasterlavn". That's when people dress up and try to break a barrel full of candy with a bat. The danish delegation had dressed up as a the danish queen, a modern version of Hans Christian Andersen, a viking and Brian Laudrup (former football player).
Later on all the leaders and JC's went on their night out, so we had people from the local chapter to come babysit the kids. They made some drawings, had a disco and saw the Pixar movie "Up". What the leaders and JC's did is a secret though. ;-)

Today we had a sleep in and woke up to a lovely brunch made by the kitchen staff. We even had pancakes to celebrate Tallis' birthday. Afterwards we all went to the beach to relax and go swimming as well. We were there for the most of the day, so when we came home it was almost time for dinner and then the Norwegian National Night.
They had prepared some food, some activities and a video.

Yesterdays pictures and videos:

Todays pictures and videos:
