We started out by going to a small ecological dairy farm and watched the production line, saw some of their new products and got to taste some as well.
Afterwards we headed to an Open Air Museeum where we got to see how houses looked in Denmark 200-300 years ago, how people lived and saw some farm animals as well.
Everyone were a bit tired when we got home, in need of a shower and somewhat hungry. Luckily it was showertime straight away and then dinner was ready afterwards. Had some fun with the Mickey Mouse game afterwards before it was time for flag time, lullabies and then bed.
Was a good day and looking forward to what tomorrow may bring.
This sounds like an amazing excursion! What a lovely group picture! Do you have more photos to post on picasa?
SvarSletThanks alot for all your work!!
Ingrid, Jakobs mom, Norway
Maybe I'm wrong, but there is no one from Poland?
Lilla, Grześ' mom, Poland
No you're right, seems like I've uploaded a picture before they came back from the farm tour. However they're here and doing quite well. =)
SvarSletIam still waiting for the pictures of the last days- and some comment about how it was at the families! It would be great if you could give us a short review.