3. aug. 2010

Casino Night

For our first activity yesterday we had to build a bed out of cardboard and other materials in small groups, each kid then had to build their dreams and place it in the bed. Afterwards we went to see another groups bed and look at what they had designed. Suddenly rumours started going around that one of the beds had been trashed by another group, which got some groups so angry that they destroyed the bed they were looking at.
However no beds were destroyed before the rumours started, but afterwards a few got trashed by the kids who then later on had to build them again from the remains of the previous bed of dreams.
The whole activity was a lesson in how easy it is to build something from scratch, but building things from the ruins of what used to be is very hard. Which was discussed in the evaluation afterwards.

In the evening we had a fancy dinner, where the kids could ask each other on dates for the dinner - and the JC's would help everyone with getting a date if you didn't have one. All the leaders and JC's were taking orders at the dining tables and brought the kids their meals and drinks.
After the dinner it was time for the Casino to open, which featured a human slot machine, a black jack table, a poker table, arm wrestling, a chapel and much more. Was a great nigth filled with dancing, friendship certificates and laughter.
All the kids were tired after a long day and fell asleep very quickly when we put them to bed.


1. aug. 2010

Open Day and a strange morning

When the kids woke up this morning they all said that they had experienced something strange during the night. They had been woken up, blindfolded and guided through different stations around the camp site - however none of the leaders or JC's knew anything about such activities during the night. *cough*
After hearing all the reactions from the night, we started preparing for our Open Day, where we had invited several people to come and visit our camp. Every country had prepared a small presentation and our beloved camp direction Jesper had prepared a small speach on behalf of the village.
The Open Day was a huge success and everyone had fun, both participants and visitors.

Besides that, I'm back at camp once again and running the blog once again. It's good to be back at the camp once again and I got a HUGE welcome from all the kids who seemed to have missed me as much as I had missed them.
