After hearing all the reactions from the night, we started preparing for our Open Day, where we had invited several people to come and visit our camp. Every country had prepared a small presentation and our beloved camp direction Jesper had prepared a small speach on behalf of the village.
The Open Day was a huge success and everyone had fun, both participants and visitors.
Besides that, I'm back at camp once again and running the blog once again. It's good to be back at the camp once again and I got a HUGE welcome from all the kids who seemed to have missed me as much as I had missed them.
Dear Kasper and all others, thanks a lot for your nice reports, it´s great for the parents to see how lucky the kids are!
SvarSletYou really do a very job, French men would say "chapeau".
Have a hygge time during the last days.
Antje from Germany (Lina´s mother)
Dear Leaders,
SvarSletthanks for all great things you have done- i can´t imagine- nearly 4 weeks are done- 3 days left! Iam waiting for my daughter to come home- but Iam sure she had a dreat thnaks because of you! Thanks a lot and I hope you also had a good time! :-)
Natascha (mother from Jana)
To everybody who is making this wonderful village possible: THANK YOU so much for all the fun and great experiences that you give to our kids!! Thanks as well for allowing us a glimpse into your world via this blogspot!
SvarSletA big hug and all the best from Germany
Anna (Max L.'s mother)
P.S. Will there be more photos?
There will, I'm gathering some photos from the days while I've been away and will be uploading them to our webalbum tonight along with the daily blog update.
SvarSletDear Kasper,
SvarSletwelcome back! Thanks for the news!
What about Brazilian National night? Send us some comments.
Thanks, Laura´s mother - Brazil
Dear Kasper, thanks for the enormous effort you did with this blog, we as parents were really fortunate to have this opportunity to see what our children were doing day by day. I want to ask you if you are going to give the kids or the leader of each country a CD with all this wonderful pictures?? That would be a great idea!! Is it possible??? And other thing I want to ask you is, Why can't we see on the Picasa Webalbum some of the photos that appear on the blog? Tahnks for everything. Andreas Mom (Mexico)
SvarSletYes, each delegate will recieve a DVD with as many pictures as we can fit on there before they go home. The webalbum just haven't been updated recently due to us staff being very busy these last few days. I'll see if I can get around to update it later today.