30. jul. 2010

Trust day

Today we did some trust games, first we did “The falling tree” where a group of eight people stand around a single person, and the person closes his/her eyes and lean backwards and let the people around him/her catch him/her and pass push around the circle. After that we did the human catapillar, where we all lay down on our backs and hold our hands up, and then one person at a time had to lay down stiff on the hands held up and then get passed all the way down the row, without anybody dropping them, it was very fun but there was only one go per person because after everybody was way too tired to hold their arms up anymore.
For the evening activity we got to learn about Canada, they held their national night. It started with some quick facts and then they showed a small skit about how Canada got its name. For a final round up to see if everyone had paid attention, they did a quiz about the facts that they had just told us, but when it came to the length of the border between Canada and USA only Zach from USA got it correct, and got to go up and get the canadian handouts as the first person.
//Bertram (Danish JC - standin for Kasper)
(pictures will be comming as soon as possible)

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