This morning we started with an extended cleaning after the breakfast, seeing as most of the kids rooms looked as though someone had exploded their bags so all the clothes had ended all over the place. It took some time, but now the rooms look inhabitable once again. ;-)
We did some few tag games later on, did a small video greeting to other camps around the world and celebrated the birthday of Kasia from Poland.
After lunch and siesta, we had everyone gather out by the flag poles in their swim suits, where we ran some games involving water balloons. All of us had a blast and didn't feel like stoppping.
In the evening we went on a big treasure hunt, where we split into 2 groups, one with all the girls and one with all the boys. They had their hands tied together and walked around the campsite while trying to gather clues towards where they were going next and pieces for a puzzle.
It seemed as though everyone had a nice day and enjoyed the activities we has planned.
Video greeting:
Nice to hear the voice of Ingrid from Norway again:-) Seems like you all have a fantastic time in Denmark! Thanks for making this blog. We look at the pictures and read the texts every day! Love Marit, Ingrid from Norways mom:-)
SvarSletThe videos were particularly nice today. Keep up the good work -- and the extended cleaning!
It was a great idea to have all the children, Jcs. leaders and staff in the same video so we can meet them all!!!
SvarSletThanks for making us happy with all of this picturres, it feels good to see your daughter (Andrea) having fun. Keep up with the videos and pictures. Kisses to everyone from Andreas mom (Mexico)
Hello !
SvarSletIt´s so good to hear my doughter laughing...!